
Letter: It's time for proven leadership and experience

I encourage your readers to VOTE on April 6, for the balance, experience, and performance that comes by electing CIESLA, COLLISON, EBHOMIELEN, and PEPOON to the Northbrook Village Board.

They were selected after careful deliberation and due diligence by the Caucus. All four went through an established process which vetted a number of candidates for the position of both Village President and Trustee, culminating with a Town Meeting attended by over 300 residents.

There are a number of reasons why I support these candidates - CIESLA, COLLISON, EBHOMIELEN, and PEPOON.

This is not the time for "on-the-job training" on the Northbrook Village Board. The village is already involved in and about to face additional residential and commercial redevelopment. We will be replacing - or have already replaced - three Department Heads as well as the Village Manager. This is the time for proven leadership and experience in village affairs. The Board is comprised of seven (7) members.

Two of the Trustees, not up for reelection, have less than two years of experience. When combined with the staff changes, and lack of staff and management experience, the necessity for experience is essential. Ciesla, Collison, and Pepoon are experienced and proven members of the Board. Ebhomielen brings experience in finance and nonprofit business management.

CIESLA, COLLISON, EBHOMIELEN, and PEPOON believe in and have a passion for community service. You have seen this over and over in their commitment to our schools, our organizations, and our Commissions. They have stepped up repeatedly and served Northbrook over and over. They bring balanced and informed viewpoints to the issues important to forming the future of our community.

CIESLA, COLLISON, EBHOMIELEN, and PEPOON believe that some of the biggest challenges facing the village over the next several years are development of the last major piece of residential real estate in Northbrook, balancing the needs and wishes of all age groups within the community, providing for senior, disabled, and workforce housing, and not being too dependent on sales tax, a volatile source of revenue.

CIESLA, COLLISON, EBHOMIELEN, and PEPOON have the credentials, the historical perspective, the balance, and proven integrity for meriting your vote on April 6th. They have my vote!

Sandra Frum


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