
Join St. Charles Memorial Day ceremony May 31

Come to the St. Charles Memorial Day Ceremony to show respect for our troops who have given their lives in service to the nation, and to thank local veterans.

The ceremony will begin at 9:30 a.m. Monday, May 31, at the Freedom Shrine along the river, west of the former police station, 211 N. Riverside Ave.

The service will be led by event coordinator Mark Powell, a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel.

St. Charles Mayor Lora Vitek will deliver remarks and reading the annual proclamation.

There will be a keynote address from local veteran Anthony Catella.

Taps will be played by resident Jim Stombres, the former band director for St. Charles North High School.

A three-volley salute will be led by Bob Huber of the St. Charles Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5036.

The siren at city hall will sound off during the ceremony.

Those attending are requested to wear a mask and maintain proper social distancing. For more information, contact Mark Powell at (630) 329-6444.


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