
Gen Z Journalist Creates Late Night Talk Show To Inspire Youth To Pursue Productive Careers

Timo Bach builds brands that educate while entertaining. The CEO of the Creator Factory witnessed his educational brands explode on the internet, with young students from around the world taking to his message. Now, the 24-year old is building his next brand: the first last night talk show for Gen-Z, by a Gen-Z.

Trained as a journalist, Bach started ScienceIRL and HistoryIRL to share his fascination with these subjects. Filmed and produced in his parent's basement in suburban Chicago, Bach explains his goal is to inspire kids to be influential, not influencers.

"95% of Gen Z say they would be influencers if they had the opportunity. The important thing is to teach them that influence comes from the impact you make and not the number of followers you have on social media. Doctors, scientists, and teachers are pretty darn influential if you ask me," Bach said.

In a 2019 survey conducted by Harris Poll, American and British teenagers' top career choice was vlogger/Youtuber, compared to their Chinese counterparts, who had astronaut as their dream job. Bach reacts, "It's clear that Western youth have a passion for human connection and creativity, we just have to channel that passion into productive careers."

The digital guru is currently building his third brand, "After Hours." His goal is simple: to have conversations that show Gen Z is doing more out there than just scrolling through social media, and to give young adults a chance at being heard.

Bach explains, "It's simple: my goal with all of my brands - specifically the ethos of 'After Hours' - is to show fellow Gen Z you don't need a million followers on social media to be influential."

His new interview series promises clickable, yet educational content that bridges the gap between entertainment and education media. Bach invites guests from academia, social creators, successful business people and everyday people with inspiring stories with the goal of showing Gen Z that you don't need millions of followers to be influential.

Timo encourages parents and students to visit his Instagram pages @scienceirl, @realhistoryirl, and @timoafterhours. For more information, please visit:

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