
Let's not fool ourselves

Remember the old marketing ploy "Eat your way to weight loss"? Yes, just order these delicious meals from us and you can eat your way to losing weight.

Well here's a new one: "carbon cash back." Yes, just sign on to our climate change solution to tax fossil fuels, then open your pockets for all the free money we will give you.

Who's kidding who? With today's technology, the only way to curb fossil fuel use on a global scale ... nuclear power.

The increase in world energy demand has been steady at 2 percent per year. There are no models curbing this current rate. Fossil fuels are answering the call. The money grab, taxing energy, will only hurt economies. Solar and wind ... the carbon footprint math thing, so disappointing. Until we either increase nuclear power or produce a new energy source, fossil fuels will be around big time.

I vote for a new energy source research. Consider neutrinovoltaic energy as described by Anca Gagiuc at in August 2020.

Don't get me wrong, I would love to eat my way to weight loss or solve climate change by putting cash in my pocket. However ...

Richard J McEwen


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