
Make family the root of your love

"God sets the solitary in families."

- Psalms 68:6 (NKJV)

While easing into a relaxing Sunday afternoon, I received a text message from my daughter-in-law. She mentioned a name and was inquiring if I knew the person.

"Doesn't sound familiar to me."

"She claims to be your uncle Bruce's daughter."

I was shocked. My uncle had no children. Suddenly I started asking questions about who this woman was and how the two of them connected. Gathering up a few more facts, I decided to call my older brother and see if any of this information sounded right to him.

After our conversation, I was able to put some of the missing puzzle pieces in place. It sounded like the information I was given was accurate. I just had one more thing to do. I had to make the phone call to this mystery person that claimed to be my long lost cousin.

As I started to dial the number, I was flooded with a variety of emotions. I was excited, yet a bit perplexed with thoughts whirling about my head, wondering how all this came about.

It turned out my uncle was married to her mother for a few shorts months and was never informed about her birth. His name was listed on her birth certificate and she tried to find him for years, but came up with nothing. Recently, her older sister gave her some information. Then she did some ancestry research and connected the missing link to me.

We had a delightful call, filling each other in on details. We've have had several conversations since. When I shared the happening with a friend, she mentioned it was like a special valentine from God, because it occurred right at the time of the holiday.

I don't always understand God's timing, such as why so many years have gone by and why he chose Valentine's Day to connect my cousin and I, but it looked like my friend's suggestion was true.

With all the facts in place, I contemplated God's heart regarding families, and his delight for us to belong and be connected to ours.

Woven through the pages of the Bible are stories of family and God's love. Last Valentine's Day, God proved these Bible facts to be true.

I believe God's love of family goes beyond our natural born ancestry, but is also a part of the church. When we belong to a church congregation, God expects us to show love and care for one another, referring to us as brothers and sisters in Christ.

Finding a church where this kind of love is present can make us feel we belong and be a blessing for the lonely of heart. As we reach out to others, we can receive the blessing.

If you are lonely or have a longing for old or new family or friends, it's my wish and prayer for you that God would make your dream come true. Happy Valentine's Day, my friends.

• Annettee Budzban is a Christian author, speaker, life coach and nurse. She can be contacted at or (847) 543-8413.

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