
Fine Line Creative Arts Center opens 'The Winter Palette' show Feb. 17

Winter is often seen as a bleak season, with dull or minimal colors, lacking the vibrancy of other seasons, such as the rich colors of fall or the vibrant colors of flowers seen in spring and summer.

Studies have shown that most Americans rank winter as their least favorite season.

The Fine Line Creative Arts Center in St. Charles aims to turn this around with a new show called "The Winter Palette."

Forty-three artists will have work on display in this gallery show, opening Feb. 17 and running through March 25.

These artists see the color and beauty of the winter months.

Representing 20 states, they have created exciting pieces of art showing the striking hues of winter. Each artist has a different view of winter, depending on their location and experiences.

This show features several linocut and woodcut pieces, a technique where the artist carves an image into the surface of a block of wood, leaving the printing parts level with the surface while removing the non-printing parts. Areas that the artist cuts away carry no ink, while the images at surface level have the ink to produce the print.

William Hays, an artist from Vermont, uses his printmaking skills to create stunning works filled with a sense of movement. His piece "Moonlight Lead" has been used as the cover image for this show.

Fine Line will host an official gallery opening for "The Winter Palette" on Thursday, Feb. 17, from 6 to 8 p.m. Gallery receptions are a great chance to talk to the artists about their art and view the show.

Around 6:30 p.m., the artist awards will be announced during the reception. Gallery receptions are free and open to everyone.

If you are looking for a new piece of art, why not visit the Kavanagh Gallery at Fine Line Creative Arts in St. Charles?

Even if you are not looking for a new piece of art, it's worth visiting the gallery to see the incredible selection on display. The array of art on display is sure to ease any winter blues.

The Kavanagh Gallery is open Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The gallery is free and open to the public.

For information, visit or

Artists featured in Fine Line's "The Winter Palette"

California: Brooke Adams, Mirka Knaster, Joe A. Oakes, and Kathleen Wolf

Colorado: Angela Chambliss and Traci Zajaczkowski

Connecticut: Denise Balcanoff

Florida: William Carson

Georgia: Stephanie Kolpy

Illinois: Cynthia Boudreau, Rachel Dittrich, Beth Duncan, Colleen Ferratier, Jeanne Garrett, David Gregory, Pam Hansen, JoAnn Horvath, Jeanne LaCasse, Regina Roland, and Mary Ellen Segraves.

Iowa: Laura Meyer

Louisiana: Bette Kauffman

Maine: Sarah Cecil

Maryland: Christopher Fowler

Massachusetts: Karen Gaudette

Michigan: Sylvia Bandyke, Richard Franz, Dennis Gordon, and Paul Rose

Minnesota: Lonnie Broden

Missouri: Gayathri Seetharaman

New York: Tracy Finn, Howard Pohl, Amy Schnitzer, and Joan Weiss

North Carolina: Richard Schramm

Ohio: Robert Biro and G. Wolfrum

Tennessee: Dale Finley

Texas: Stephanie Chambers

Vermont: William Hays

Wisconsin: Karina Cutler-Lake and Phyllis Deicher-Ladwig

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