
Smitty's Barbecue Beef

2 pounds ground beef

3 medium onions, diced

Salt and pepper

1 (12-ounce) bottle chili sauce*

¼ bottle (3 ounces) barbecue sauce (optional)

Soft hamburger buns

Pickle slices

Place ground beef and onions in a large pot. Sprinkle mixture liberally with salt and pepper. Cook over medium heat, breaking beef into small pieces while cooking until the onion is softened. Drain excess fat if necessary and add chili sauce. Using empty chili sauce bottle as a measuring device, add ¼ bottle of your favorite barbecue sauce to beef mixture. Rinse bottle with a couple tablespoons water and add to mixture. Heat to a simmer and cook 10 to 15 minutes. Serve on soft hamburger buns and top with pickle slices. Serve with extra napkins.

Serves 8 to 10

* You'll find chili sauce in the condiment aisle near the ketchup and mustard.

Penny Kazmier

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