
'I felt that dog needed help now': Owner, officer recount rescue in icy Libertyville lake

Owner, officer recount dramatic rescue of Marley, who was close to drowning in icy Libertyville lake

Dave Byman was out for a run when he learned his dog, Marley, was struggling for her life in the icy waters of Butler Lake in Libertyville almost 2 miles away.

Byman's girlfriend, Jessica Sturdy, had been walking with Marley and a friend's dog near the lake. Sturdy told Byman she just looked away for a moment and then saw Marley swimming laps in a patch of cold water surrounded by ice.

"She said the look of terror on the dog's face was horrifying," Byman said.

But thanks to the quick thinking and decisive action of a Libertyville police officer, Marley was saved and will celebrate her 8th birthday with Byman and Sturdy next week.

Byman adopted Marley from the anti-cruelty society when the black Labrador mix was just an 8-week-old puppy. He recalled panic setting in as he changed course and headed toward the lake to try and help.

"My mind went in horrible directions: 'My god, is she going to die?' 'Is something else horrible going to happen?'" Byman said.

Marley's brush with death occurred on Feb. 20 - a warm day after many days of freezing cold.

Despite running as fast as he could, Byman was too late to help, but luckily help already had arrived.

After calling Byman, Sturdy called 911, and within 5 minutes Libertyville police officer Matthew Melvin arrived at the lake.

Melvin said he was out on patrol when the call came in for him to assist with a rescue call at Butler Lake. He said it was obvious when he arrived the dog was in peril.

"I saw the dog dip down in the water," Melvin said. "I felt that dog needed help now."

Being careful to distribute his weight evenly on the ice, Melvin crossed the 10 or so feet of ice to the patch of water where Marley was struggling to stay above the surface, and he got down on his knees. Aside from a decorative bandanna, Marley was naked and had no collar, leash or harness. So Melvin improvised.

"I grabbed her by her snout," Melvin recalled. "I pulled her up to the ice ledge. Once she was there, I grabbed her back fur and slid her across the ice."

Melvin said even when they were on the shore he was still in "go-mode" and moving fast to revive Marley. By then, other officers had arrived and they worked together to wrap Marley in an emergency blanket, haul her to the back seat of a squad car and crank up the heat.

Byman, who was still en route, was on the phone with Sturdy throughout the rescue and heard it happening through his headphones.

"It was just incredible relief," Byman said. "They were incredibly kind, helpful and heroic."

By the time Byman arrived back at the Libertyville home, which he and Sturdy were housesitting, Melvin and the other first responders were getting ready to leave.

"They were just like, hey man, no problem," Byman said.

Marley recovered quickly and was back to her old self in no time.

Byman, of Chicago, wanted to express his gratitude, so a few days after the rescue he messaged Libertyville Police Chief Ed Roncone and the two men arranged to have Melvin and Marley meet by the lake again - this time without the drama.

Melvin said he appreciated the meetup, which happened March 2. He said it was nice to see Marley was in great spirits. He also brought a gift for Marley: a four-pack of tennis balls - her favorite.

"Her life revolves around tennis balls," Byman said.

Byman said he thinks Marley recognized Melvin. But even if she doesn't, Byman and Sturdy always will be grateful he saved their dog.

Libertyville police officer Matthew Melvin recently reunited with Marley, a black Labrador mix he rescued after she fell through the ice and into the freezing waters of Butler Lake. Courtesy of Libertyville Police Department
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