
Questions and answers with Marty Sirvatka

Though officially single, Marty Sirvatka didn't lack companionship in three decades at Glenbrook South as choir director and Fine Arts instructional supervisor.

"As I tell my friends, I kind of married my job, and I had a lot of time for my work and my kids," said Sirvatka, who retired from teaching full-time in 2016.

His impact as an instructor was multifold, and continues in high school clinics and as a supervisor of student teachers within Northwestern University's music education department.

One of Sirvatka's former students, Rob Shellard, directs Glenbrook South's choir; other former students perform in Imprints, a performance group Sirvatka started in 2017 that raises funds for charity.

He was voted Glenbrook South Distinguished Teacher of the Year in 2007. The next year, Glenbrook South was named the 2008 National Grammy Signature School for its music department.

In 2016, Sirvatka was among three Illinois educators to earn the Mary Hoffman Award of Excellence.

Born in Glen Ellyn and a 1975 graduate of Glenbard South High School, Sirvatka majored in music education with an emphasis in clarinet at the University of Illinois.

Starting in education in 1979 as a student teacher at Glenbard North in Carol Stream, from 1985-94 Sirvatka was Leyden's choir and orchestra director. In the summer of 1994 he arrived at Glenbrook South as full-time choir director.

An Arlington Heights resident, Sirvatka fields a steady stream of invitations to serve as guest conductor at music festivals.

"I like to do that. I get to go in, do my thing, and go home," he said.

After speaking with Sirvatka, the Herald sent him several questions via email. His responses, edited for length, follow.

Herald: What are you up to nowadays?

Sirvatka: I am embracing retirement, which for me, does not mean playing more golf and binging on a Netflix show, although I am partial to the new "Lost in Space" sci-fi series.

What I am doing is enjoying making choices about what to do each week. And some of the choices are so rewarding - I like refinishing furniture, writing vocal arrangements, gardening, guest conducting at various clinics and festivals in the Chicago area, and spending time with my still-healthy parents and family. I am never bored, and I make sure I have an occasional do-nothing day.

Herald: What was more satisfying, being named Glenbrook South Teacher of the Year in 2007, or the music program winning a Grammy Award in 2008?

Sirvatka: I was incredibly honored to have won the Teacher of the Year Award, especially knowing I was nominated by students, with a large amount of input from them helping to decide the winner.

But I was a part of a phenomenal team at GBS, and the Grammy Award recognized and celebrated the accomplishments of all of the music teachers. I truly am more happy when others receive accolades and honor. That award was a "look at what we all did" and "look at what we all have" moment, and the students were equally involved in the successes of the department. It doesn't get much better than that!

Herald: How has music education changed since you were a student?

Sirvatka: I think that question deserves a 3-part answer.

In some ways, it hasn't changed: Great teachers teach great students and give them experience performing and learning about great music. Great music lasts and will never change, and young students will unfailingly respond physically, emotionally and spiritually to its beauty and ability to endure.

Secondly, music education has indeed changed for the better because of the rise of technology. Computers, recording programs, and instruments have revolutionized how teachers can reach students. And in turn, students are so much more than, for example, a clarinet player in a band, like I was as a student. All students can now compose, create, arrange and receive immediate feedback on their creations - and all on their phones, if they so choose.

Lastly, while quality music programs have grown and become accessible to students in all socio-economic groups, these quality programs are in danger of being minimalized in an educational world that worships high AP Exam scores, the prestige of getting more students in elite colleges, and high school curricula that recommends freshman declare a career pathway. It robs some of our most talented and gifted students the opportunity to experience the electives, and in particular, what music programs can offer a human being. I believe we are becoming short sighted and the comprehensive high school is slowly evaporating.

Herald: A generation of students learned from you; what did you learn from them?

Sirvatka: I have learned that when you give those students a safe learning environment to grow in, surrounded by teachers that balance encouragement with challenge, then the sky is the limit.

I learned that students can immediately spot when someone is being phony, and that students who are committed and onboard are the best team players anyone can ask for.

I have learned from them how to celebrate freely and laugh and enjoy life.

Herald: Can you describe your nonprofit music company, Imprint? And how did you arrive at its name?

Sirvatka: Imprint is a nonprofit organization that allows former students an opportunity to revisit their days as high school musicians while singing and performing shows and concerts open to the public. Proceeds from those who attend then go to various and wonderful charities in the Chicago area.

I knew from an early age as a teacher that there are few places for high school and college graduates to actually perform easily and with minimal time commitment required once they find a home, have families, and pursue careers. Imprint seeks to meet that need and desire for great musicians to once again experience excellence in performance, even if it is every once in a while.

The name Imprint was conceived by a graduate who felt that I left an everlasting imprint upon the lives of my students, and in turn, continuing the excellence of performance can make an imprint on future audiences.

Herald: As a clarinetist yourself, who were your inspirations? You're not old enough for Benny Goodman ...

Sirvatka: But still I listen to recordings and the jazz players had a bigger influence on me than the classical players. So, yes, Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw, Woodie Herman, and Pete Fountain. My dad played piano in a band all his life, and my first in-person experience was hearing a clarinet/sax man and friend, Jim Phillips. He was awesome!

Herald: What kind of music do you listen to on your own?

Sirvatka: I love all kinds, and I focus on one kind for a while, until I get sick of it. So, I listen to symphonies and opera, then some country-western. Then for something completely different, I listen to Indian Bollywood music. Amazing. Then I like a good show tune. And I always listen to movie scores and, of course, wonderful choirs by the latest young composers. I am fond of Steven Paulus, Eric Whitacre, and Gwyneth Walker.

Herald: What do you do for fun?

Sirvatka: I still like to play piano, and I am content to do that on my own, especially when I am stressed! I like to play board games, and some involved games like (Star Wars) Imperial Assault, Viticulture, and The Quacks of Quedlinberg!

I like to travel when I can, and I like the historical parts of old cities. White-water rafting is great fun, and I love all sorts of rides at amusement parks, particularly roller coasters. I also love working with wood and repairing all sorts of things. I am also a spiritual person who loves to read all sorts of Christian literature.

Herald: What would be something people might find surprising about you?

Sirvatka: I really like 1960s cars. I can identify the year of any Chevy Impala from 1957 through 1970. And I have been able to since I was 4 years old. I also have quite a few model cars.

Herald: If you have a personal motto or defining statement, what is it?

Sirvatka: "Really talented people never need to prove it." I used to say that to my students about arrogant performers who tended to brag, ha-ha!

Also, I used to say, "Avoid mediocrity at all times."

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