
Frank Saverino: 2023 candidate for Carol Stream Village President


Town: Carol Stream

Age on Election Day: 78

Occupation: Mayor and business owner

Employer: Saverino & Associates

Previous offices held: Carol Stream Fire District, Carol Stream Trustee, DuPage Water Commission, DuPage Mayor & Mgr. Mayor of Carol Stream since 2007, Board Member of Misc Business Industry Organizations


Q: What do you consider the primary responsibility of the community's "chairman of the board"?

A: Safety for all residents is of course my primary priority. I work closely with police and all departments to support them. Our crime rate is one of the lowest not only in Illinois, but all of America for a village of our size and population.

Education and quality schools are a major priority as are residents with diverse backgrounds. I strongly support in any way I can our social service department. They work very hard to help the underprivileged and people in need.

Q: What is the most serious issue your community will face in the coming years and how should leaders respond to it?

A: The state of Illinois has implemented mandates that add an additional burden to our community. They demand projects be completed without giving us funding and sources to complete. This puts a burden on communities and all residents.

I continue to work with Springfield legislators who are introducing bills to stop the overspending currently going on in our state. I have always been fiscally responsible and our state's overreach effects everyone, in every town and every village.

Q: How would you describe the state of your community's finances?

A: I describe it as excellent.

I have been mayor since 2007. During my time in office, we have maintained a balanced budget with a significant surplus. I have a successful business background and I know how to control spending while keeping our village infrastructure and services operating in top shape.

Q: What should be the three top priorities for spending in your community during the next four years?

A: 1.) Evolving technology is a continuing priority now and in the near future. Our IT department is constantly changing and upgrading our systems. I am proud of our progress and the people who continue to implement new systems that run the village.

2.) A priority is to fund the police and social service for continued training due to the increase in individuals suffering from a mental health crisis. These departments need guidance and response options with additional resources so the situation can be resolved in a safe manner.

3.) I would like to add more recreational areas to our agenda. Walking and bike paths are a great community benefit to all our residents. With frequent use, they reduce pollution, road congestion and, in time, benefit air quality.

Q: Are there areas of spending that need to be curtailed? If so, what are they?

A: Nothing is curtailed at the present time. My position is and has always been to listen to all residents in Carol Stream. This village belongs to them, and I want them to enjoy living here.

It is my goal to keep our village accessible to everyone while keeping my fiscal goal that "No money is spent without first researching the need and having the money to afford it." I have accomplished that in every situation. I feel that is how Carol Stream remains financially sound.

Q: What do you see as the most important infrastructure project you must address? Why and how should it be paid for? Conversely, during these uncertain economic times, what project(s) can be put on the back burner?

A: Currently we have fulfilled our list of important infrastructure projects. Our last project to replace aging water meters is nearly completed. Our roads are all in good shape too. We budgeted and were able to build additions and remodel existing facilities at the village hall to accommodate more services for residents.

Again, as I continue to say, my business model is to pay as we go and buy what we need.

Q: What makes you the best candidate for the job?

A: I feel my successful business background and proven leadership as mayor since 2007 makes me the best candidate. I work hard every day to make Carol Stream the best place to work and to live.

I love this village and the people who live here. I want to continue to keep this community financially strong, as diverse as possible and working well for all residents in all situations.

I am confident under my current administration we are headed in the right direction now and if reelected mayor, it will only continue to get better in the future.

Q: What's one good idea you have to better the community that no one is talking about yet?

A: I do not think I have any ideas that I have not shared with my trustees and staff at the Carol Stream Village.

If I find a great idea or someone brings one to me that sounds beneficial, I will always research and present it for discussion with the appropriate group. That is what a leader of a community would be expected to do.

There would never be a reason to withhold something that will better this village. That is what my leadership role is all about. As Mayor, I embrace moving forward with any new concepts for the future of Carol Stream that work within our means.

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