
Letter: Candidates offer needed perspective

I received a text this week from a candidate for Wheaton City Council who doesn't seem to have the experience for the job. In fact, during both the Daily Herald and League of Women Voters candidate forums, this candidate didn't seem to have done any homework or have any answers for questions posed.

It's important that we vote for candidates with the work, civic and life experience needed for the job and who understand the issues of our community, as well as past efforts made to address these issues. The lack of preparedness for these forums illustrates this candidate's seriousness about the job.

Wheaton City Council is in desperate need a variety of diverse voices that will work collaboratively. We already have several council people who work in the same industry, attend the same church and are friends that have endorsed this candidate. This supports group think. We need varying ideas and independent voices to represent all Wheaton residents for this At-Large position.

Erica Bray-Parker brings the view of a woman, a mom and a professional educator, not to mention her four years of experience as an incumbent.

Frank Hudetz brings the voice of a veteran and a senior, as well as that of a CEO. This is the kind of experience we need to represent Wheaton.

Colleen Attwell


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