
Letter: District needs views of recent grad

I am writing to you today to advocate for a local teenager who is a candidate in the upcoming D211 school board election. I believe that having a teenager on our school board would bring a fresh perspective to the district and will benefit current students.

Teenagers are the primary stakeholders in the school district, as they are the ones who are directly affected by the policies and decisions made by the board. By electing a recent D211 graduate to the board, the district would be ensuring that the voices of all students are being heard and taken into account when making important decisions.

Furthermore, this young man can bring a unique perspective to the board. He has recently experienced the education system in a way that other board members have not for several years, or decades. This hard working student will provide insights into what is and isn't working in our district and offer creative solutions to address the issues.

Moreover, electing this qualified candidate to the board can also help to increase student engagement and participation in our school district and better yet, our democracy. It can inspire other students to get more involved and invested in their education and the decisions being made on their behalf.

In conclusion, having a teenager on the school board will bring a fresh perspective to the district and will advocate for all students. That is why this April 4, I'm voting for 19-year-old Aiden Branss. I urge you to consider doing the same when casting your vote in this upcoming election.

Daniel Castro


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