
Letter: District's request is fair, reasonable

I am writing in support of Prospect Heights District 23's referendum on the April 2023 ballot. Although it's been a long time since I've had school-aged children, I think this is a fair and reasonable request. Making our schools safer and more secure, improving energy efficiency, making sure school psychologists and other student support personnel have the adequate space to service students' needs appropriately and allowing for all eligible in-district students to have access to full-day kindergarten are not frivolous requests. All of these improvements will strengthen our local schools and protect our property values.

The last time voters approved funding for capital improvements in District 23 was in 1987, back when my children were students in the district. They were the benefactors of those improvements, and I want the children in my neighborhood and all D23 students to have access to the best education possible.

I know there are people who think full-day kindergarten isn't necessary and that their kids did just fine without it. Like it or not, times have changed and young families today are looking to live in school districts that offer full-day kindergarten. D23 cannot be an island surrounded by districts like Wheeling (D21), Arlington Heights (D25) and River Trails (D26) which offer full-day kindergarten or are in the process of implementing it in their schools.

Good teachers come to and stay in districts where the community supports them. Please join me in voting yes for District 23.

Diane Hecht

Arlington Heights

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