
Letter: The words and the music

A former boss once pointed out to me, "There are the words and the music?" He continued, "The words are what a person says, and the music is what the person does." Wise words for today's political turmoil and possibly, one of the roots of distrust, occurring between today's political parties and disillusioned Americans.

Why do we have continual disconnects about what is said, and what actually happened in real-life events?

How does one accept that an attempted insurrection at the White House was a peaceful gathering? The event was broadcast on major television stations. The truth is the truth. Selling fear is a marketing tactic. It is the music. It doesn't solve problems. It creates them. And in doing so, confuses us.

When leaders talk about a democratic government being a weapon? What does that really mean? Are they leading us into becoming an authoritarian state, like Russia? Democracy is not perfect, but it has always represented freedom. It is an unfinished experiment that will wither and die if not nurtured and protected.

Where are the American leaders with long held democratic principals and values? We now have elected leaders who harshly judge America. Who scorn people of different traditions or admonish people who behave differently than society's norms.

And, as families and individuals make tough personal and private decisions; some of those decisions are no longer private but can be punished by local governments.

Next time you listen to a speech and your perception resonates with the speaker. Listen carefully to the words and question the music around the person. What are the real motives? Sometimes in our exuberance, we don't hear what the music is saying, as we are caught up in the beat of the moment.

Betty Baum

West Dundee

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