
Letter: Good reasons to embrace Bears stadium in suburbs

As a state resident since birth, I don't understand the state and local government reluctance to financially aid the Bears relocating to Arlington Heights. The Bears could easily have threatened to relocate out of state and create a bidding war to retain them. They did not.

They play in the smallest stadium in the league and have limited revenue opportunity from stadium naming rights, suites, concession and parking revenue. Getting to and parking at Soldier Field is next to impossible.

From what I've read, the Bears have created an incredible opportunity for the state to create thousands of jobs, build a state-of-the-art stadium and transform that area into a sporting/entertainment venue that could be the envy of the league and nation.

If any small company would come to the state asking for aid to bring 50 jobs and 15,000 square feet office space, it would be embraced, rejoiced and broadcast on every news outlet. Let's remember how the state courted Amazon and now see that facility is stalled In Virginia.

The demo contract alone for Arlington Park will create hundreds of jobs, then tack on the thousands of jobs for stadium construction and road work. This just scratches the surface of the overall project.

The state has lost many corporate headquarters and wealth this past year to other states along with the revenue and jobs they provided. Why can't we just embrace this effort, assist them in any way we reasonably can and create an entertainment complex that we all can enjoy 12 months of the year.

Rick Sidor


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