
Vernon Hills honors father-son Marines with banners

The village of Vernon Hills has a recognition program for residents who served in the military.

Earlier this year, two residents who are father and son, and both served in the United States Marine Corps, submitted applications. Unfortunately, their applications were received after the deadline for the first group of banners to be prepared and displayed throughout the village during 2023.

The banners were set to be part of the second group, which was is scheduled to be displayed from Memorial Day to Veterans Day 2024.

John Iverson, who submitted the applications for his father and himself, contacted the village to ask if his father, Emil, who is now 97 years old, could view the template of the banner the village was prepared to display in 2024 to cheer him up. Staff learned additional family members were traveling to the Iverson residence as well.

A meeting was held to determine if it was possible for banners depicting father and son to be displayed on Nov. 10, the birthday of the United States Marine Corps.

Both banners were retrieved and delivered to Public Works, who sent a crew to the Iverson residence. Fortunately, there is a village light pole s directly in front of the residence.

Joining in the presentation at the Iverson residence were members of American Legion Post 1247, AMVETS Post 66, members of the Vernon Hills Police Department and Village Trustee Dr. David Oppenheim, who initiated the concept of the military banner recognition program for Vernon Hills a few years earlier. He presented Emil with his banner.

The banners were then put on display by a crew from Vernon Hills Public Works.

For information on Vernon Hills' recognition banner program, visit

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On the 248th birthday of the United States Marine Corps, the village of Vernon Hills displayed banners honoring Marine Cpl. John Iverson and his father, Cpl. Emil Iverson. Courtesy of the village of Vernon Hills
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