
Do you want to name a snowplow? ‘Ctrl-Salt-Delete’ among winning Lombard rebrands

That's not just any snowplow forging through your Lombard neighborhood.

That's Salter Payton mopping up the white stuff.

Or it could be Sir Push a Lot, or even Snow-torious B.I.G. The Lilac Village's snowplow naming contest results are out and they'll drive away the winter blues.

Officials kicked off the first “Name a Lombard Snowplow Contest,” in early January, encouraging residents to “share your most clever, unique, and winter-themed name ideas.”

A total of 185 people got creative with entries like Taylor Drift, The Big Liplowski, and Ctrl-Salt-Delete.

There even was a nod to historical Lombard resident Col. William Plum who left his collection of lilacs and property to the village when he died in 1927: Colonel Plow.

Appropriately, the contest was judged by village public works employees and winners were announced last week.

A complete list of top names and the residents who came up with them follows:

· Colonel Plow - Lisa Schuemer.

· Ctrl-Salt-Delete - Braden Herbert.

· SnowBeGone Kenobi - Sophia Vitale.

· Plowy McPlow Face - Kris Goetz.

· Salter Payton - Lindsay Turnquist.

· Saltosaurus Rex - Deanna Sacuta.

· Sir Push a Lot - Adrienne Langgle.

· Snow-torious B.I.G. - Rich Moricz.

· Taylor Drift - Robert Barnes.

· The Big Leplowski - Aaron Jordan.

“Your creativity made naming these snowplows a blast,” village officials said.

The 10 winners correlate to 10 village snow routes. To learn who your snowplow is, go to

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