
What anyone should know about disability rights

Life is full of challenges, and obstacles are often easier to overcome when people have some trusted allies in their corner. Certain situations are more easily managed with a little help from a trustworthy support system, and that system can include a reliable legal representative.

The American Civil Liberties Union notes that individuals with disabilities face widespread discrimination, segregation and exclusion. That’s why it pays for such individuals to have a trustworthy legal advocate in their corner to advise them on their rights and recommend action to take if those rights are being compromised.

What rights do people with disabilities have at work?

The ACLU notes that federal laws protect people with disabilities from being discriminated against in the workplace. Such individuals do not have to inform an employer of a disability when they apply for a job or even after they’re hired. That’s the case even if their disability requires a reasonable accommodation in the future. Individuals with disabilities who can perform the job cannot be denied promotions, fired or demoted, harassed, or paid less as a result of their disability. It’s also illegal to refuse to hire someone capable of doing the job simply because of their disability. People with disabilities also are protected under the law from unnecessary medical inquiries at work.

What are some examples of work-related disability discrimination?

The ACLU notes the following are some examples of disability discrimination in the workplace:

• A refusal on the part of an employer to hire, promote or equally pay a person because of a disability when that person is capable of doing the job.

• An employer refuses to make reasonable accommodations to ensure a person with a disability has an equal chance to succeed at work.

• An employer demands that a disability be disclosed or discussed when you have not requested an accommodation.

• A person is the target of derogatory comments, jokes or gestures related to a disability from a boss, co-workers or customers.

What should I do if I believe my rights have been violated?

The ACLU recommends individuals with disabilities who believe their rights have been violated take various steps in response to such violations.

In addition to contacting a lawyer, the ACLU recommends filing a charge of discrimination with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or a state fair employment practices agency.

The ACLU notes that deadlines to submit such filings may be as short as 180 days, so it’s vital that individuals move quickly in response to any violations. The ACLU urges federal employees to contact their EEO counselor within 45 days.

Disability rights are in place to prevent discrimination against people with disabilities in the workplace. Lawyers who specialize in this area of the law can advocate for people with disabilities and ensure they are treated fairly and equitably.

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