
Kane County Health Department thanks public health nurses during National Nurses Week

The Kane County Health Department kicks off National Nurses Week, a time to honor and celebrate the invaluable contributions of nurses nationwide.

National Nurses Week on May 6-12 emphasizes the diverse and critical roles of nurses. This year’s theme, "Nurses Make the Difference," shines a spotlight on how public health nurses are at the core of community wellness, especially in these challenging times. The Kane County Health Department recognizes the relentless dedication, compassion, and resilience exhibited by our nurses every day.

"Our nurses go above and beyond to protect and enhance the health and well-being of Kane County residents," said Michael Isaacson, executive director. "From promoting vaccination to conducting community health education, they are vital in our mission to maintain and improve community health."

In celebrating this week, the health department highlights the public health nursing team, who have made significant impacts in our community:

1. Nicole Alexandre, RN, Public Health Nurse

2. Laura Barrett, BSN, MSN, CMCN, RN, Director, Division of Disease Prevention

3. Lisa Bloom, BSN, MS, RN, Clinical Nursing Supervisor

4. Kristy Brown, BSN, RN, Public Health Nurse

5. Monal Desai, MSN, RN, Public Health Nurse

6. Apryll Elliott, M. Ed., BSN, PEL-SN, Assistant Director for Communicable Disease

7. Katie Glomp, BSN, RN, Program Support Manager

8. Annette Julien, ADN, RN, Public Health Nurse

9. Cheryl Kane, ADN, CHP, RN, Public Health Nurse

10. Theresa Knauf, BSN, MPH, MBA, RN, Assistant Director for Public Health Nursing

11. Jennifer Mata-Gomboa, BSN, RN, Public Health Nurse

12. Yolanda Morris, MSN, DNP, RN, Public Health Nurse

13. Jill Zolfo, BSN, RN, Public Health Nurse

They invite all residents of Kane County to join in celebrating the special nurses in your life during National Nurses Week.

Nurses deserve our gratitude for their service, particularly as they have faced unprecedented challenges over the past years with courage and professionalism.

Learn more about programs the public health nurses offer the community during National Nurses Week at and

The health department has an open public health nurse position. Learn more about this position, and all of our career opportunities at

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