
Jim O'Donnell: Reinsdorf, Warren, the Bears, the Sky and even the Fire

SUNDAY, SUNDAY — can't trust that day.

Especially when casting a net around the Chicago sports dam in search of free-floating items that need some angling.

A baited six-pack:

THE FUTURE OF JERRY REINSDORF — The man is 88 years old and has made all the millions that most any sports business entrepreneur could hope for. … How much longer does he want to be the subject of growing disparagement over his woeful White Sox and horizontaling Bulls?

There have been at least two Reinsdorf-friendly money men circling his Sox for years and now there's an ambitious young third. … Does Chair Jer' quite profitably bail or cross the bridge with a Chicago legacy that is certain to draw an array of brickbats and far fewer bouquets?

THE WISDOM OF THE BEARS continuing with Kevin Warren as president & CEO — If Warren's first year at Halas Hall was instead two semesters at an elite prep academy, he'd be on academic probation. … His only discernible footprint is changes in the organization's front office that are favorable to him but perceived as stunningly diminishing to some longtime McCaskey-Ryan loyalists.

His civic stock is dropping so fast that when he spoke at the annual meeting of the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce this past week, Gov. JB Pritzker and Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson had already left the event. … As far as a lakefront stadium, “Warren's Folly” says it all. … He is an unconvincing outsider looking for a swing set on a notoriously insiders playground.

THE POSITION OF THE CHICAGO SKY in the Caitlin Clark-era WNBA — Tread very cautiously here, because the incident at the hotel in Washington, D.C., Wednesday night was beyond frightening in implication. … The harassing man could have had something far more sinister in hand than a camera.

The America of 2024 is polarized to an extent not seen since the election of 1860, the last before the Civil War. … Clark's basketball celebrity and the perception of her mistreatment on-court in pro ball is now being co-opted by some on the ferocious fringes.

Those ranks include more than a few of the same people who brought the nation shock and global scorn back on Jan. 6, 2021. … Will the trials of Teresa Weatherspoon and the Sky over the past eight days translate into more functionally prudent behavior by all in and around the WNBA?

THE ILLINOIS SPORTS FACILITY AUTHORITY — The question shouldn't be, “How will the ISFA disburse further monies?” … The question should be: “Why was the ISFA created and what useful purpose forward does it serve to the taxpayers of Illinois?”

The Bears and White Sox may stand in line for as long as they wish, retaining sharp and expensive lobbyists in an attempt to further swill at the public trough. … But every dollar — hotel tax or otherwise — diverted to the ISFA is money that could be of far greater civic benefit in compartments such as public safety, pension deficits and education.

A compelling case can be made that George Halas had much greater real-world reasons to ask for governmental assistance back in 1970, when his Bears were getting tossed from Wrigley Field.

JED HOYER AND THE CUBS — Who should be on the hottest seat at Addison and Clark these days? … The post-2016 jokes about Hoyer being “Theo Lite” no longer carry Cubbie-blue comedic snap and sizzle. … The team's retrograde May swoon is all on him. … Should the cracked bullpen be any kind of surprise to an MLB executive of Hoyer's experience?

Even the $40M hiring of Craig Counsell no longer inspires snap thoughts of executive cunning. … Instead, it fosters the in-play Q.: Would the Brewers' Pat Murphy have been a more budget-friendly and hungrier hire?

The two wins over the visiting White Sox were dandy baseball theater (thank you Ian Happ and Mike Tauchman). … But with zero playoff appearances in the three seasons of Hoyer as president of baseball ops and a '24 campaign edging toward “tilt,” is The Lite Man merely levitating above the ivy dunk tank?

JOE MANSUETO AND THE CHICAGO FIRE — If you hold the MLS-Eastern Conference standings upside down, Frank Klopas and his Opa!-challenged corner kickers will appear to be near the top. … The deep-pocketed Mansueto has poured a lot of end-line dough into the organization.

Since last fall, Orrin Schwarz — Daily Herald sports editor and ace soccer authority — has been writing that the franchise should just fold. … Does anyone have Willy Roy or Two Men & a Truck on speed text?

Jim O'Donnell's Sports and Media column appears each week on Sunday and Wednesday. Reach him at All communications may be considered for publication.

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