
School changes will hurt all students

I am a resident of Park Ridge. The changes being implemented at District 207, which will inevitably force similar changes at District 64, raise great concern.

“One size fits all” does not work for education. Until recently, we did not need to consider this. Our schools offered many levels of courses, providing places for different types of students’ needs to be met. They were an excellent solution to address the various types of learning styles which exist. Now this is being replaced by classrooms full of students with needs at various levels.

The elimination of this programming is a detriment to our children. Forcing all children into an integrated system leaves some students struggling and falling behind and others bored and uninspired. Others suffer without the adequate attention needed since the instructor’s attention is fragmented. Expecting a teacher to help and challenge students at all levels simultaneously is both unreasonable and unrealistic. In the end, this is not fair to anyone since it does not effectively address anyone’s needs.

We should be enhancing the opportunities being offered to our children, instead of limiting them. We should be ensuring that all our children are assisted in every way possible to succeed in their chosen endeavors. This expectation is a large factor considered by families who have chosen to call Park Ridge their home.

Predictably, as the quality of our school system declines, so will our property values.

We, as a community, must engage and examine the changes being implemented and determine for ourselves if they are right for our students. If not, we must challenge the board and administration to correct the course and provide our students with the education they deserve.

Nancy A. Evans

Park Ridge

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