
Elmhurst Youth Advisory Committee’s first year a promising start for community involvement

In the fall of 2023, the City of Elmhurst’s Youth Commission initiated a visionary project: the formation of a youth advisory committee.

Recognizing that no one understands the needs and aspirations of young people better than the youth themselves, this initiative aimed to foster direct involvement in community development.

Over several months, the youth commission developed the structure of this new group, outlining membership criteria and defining the responsibilities for its members. The commission’s youth advisory committee, comprised of dedicated students from seventh to 11th grade, is now a platform for young voices to be heard and valued.

Each member went through a comprehensive application process, and those selected were officially appointed by the youth commission. This inaugural year served as a learning experience for both the committee members and their mentors, setting a solid foundation for future endeavors.

The youth advisory committee made significant contributions by offering valuable insights and guiding the youth commission's direction. Their input proved instrumental in shaping various community projects and activities.

Looking ahead, the youth advisory committee is expected to play a larger role in organizing key events such as the Exemplary Service Awards and the Job & Volunteer Fair, among other community initiatives.

The city of Elmhurst thanks the following members of the youth advisory committee for their dedication and hard work: Mike Grazzini, Thomas Olins, Alexander Sjullie, Will Huber, Theodore Kamenica, Scott Gerald, Abigail Saltiel, Sahana Pandya, Sophia Kamenica, Brady Shaw, Ryan Mansfield and Lucy Schmudde. They look forward to continued involvement from this group in the 2024-25 school year.

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