
‘Lombard at Night’ photo contest winners announced

The village of Lombard recently announced the winners of this year’s “Lombard at Night” photo contest.

Residents and visitors were invited to submit photos capturing the charming beauty of Lombard after dark from May 4 to May 31, 2024.

The winning entries of the photo contest are as follows:

• First place — “There’s Always ‘Time’ to Enjoy Lombard” by Jan Eigenfeld

• Second place — “Lombard” by Rob Moser

• Third place — “Red Raincoat” by Jim Waters

All three of the top-placing photos will be displayed at the village hall, featured in the June 20 E-Pride newsletter, and posted on the village’s website.

Rob Moser wins second place with the photo “Lombard.” Courtesy of Rob Moser

The winners also will receive Visa gift cards valued at $100, $50 and $25, respectively.

“We want to thank everyone who participated in the photo contest and appreciate your efforts to capture Lombard’s beauty at night,” said Trustee Dan Militello, chair of the community relations committee, which selects the winning photos. “We were thrilled by the creativity of this year’s submissions, though it made the task of choosing just three winners incredibly challenging.”

“We look forward to seeing more of Lombard’s charm through your lenses in future contests,” Militello added.

Jim Waters takes third place with the photo “Red Raincoat.” Courtesy of Jim Waters

For more information regarding the photo contest, visit

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