
Harper College employees recognized by trustees association

The Illinois Community College Trustees Association (ICCTA) recently honored Harper College employees who exemplify outstanding commitment to student success and continuous professional growth.

Nancy Marquez, graphic arts lab assistant, received the ICCTA’s Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Member Award, which recognizes the high achievement of the state’s part-time community college instructors. By fostering a sense of community, implementing flexible learning methods, and providing various learning materials, Marquez has demonstrated a deep commitment to the success of her students and the importance of providing them the tools they need to succeed on their own terms.

Professor Kelly Taylor, the program coordinator for Harper’s Graphic Arts Design and Technology Program, was also recognized with a medallion as a nominee for the ICCTA’s Outstanding Full-Time Faculty Member Award. Taylor’s commitment to her students is evident through her ability to communicate complex concepts effectively and create inclusive learning environments that support her students’ learning and skill development.

“ICCTA recognized these dedicated faculty members for their stellar support of students and innovation in their teaching,” said Dr. Avis Proctor, president of Harper College. “Nancy and Kelly are shining examples of faculty who go above and beyond to create a successful learning environment and to ensure students have the support they need to excel.”

In addition, Dr. Maria Coons, vice president of strategic alliances and innovation / board liaison, was presented with a Certificate of Merit for her exemplary service to Harper’s Board of Trustees. She retires at the end of the month after a distinguished 37-year career at Harper, both in the classroom and as part of the college’s administration.

“Dr. Coons has served under three different presidents in a variety of roles, always focused on student success and innovation in all that she has done,” Dr. Proctor said. “Her legacy will continue to influence Harper College for years to come.”

The group was honored at the ICCTA’s 2024 Annual Convention on June 7.

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