
The reasoning behind a MAGA manifesto

Not too long ago, when America had only a slight fever from bacterial liberalism, it was said that undocumented immigrants were needed to do the work “Americans were unwilling to do.” Now, in her woke delirium, America has seen fit to house undocumented migrants in hotel rooms, assign community recreational facilities for their use, provide them with gift cards and smartphones and, oh, let them commit, literally, murder.

During Anthony Fauci’s recent testimony before Congress, he admitted the six-foot social-distancing rule was a notion picked out of the blue, lacking any scientific basis. But of course, this rule was essential at the time in making in-person voting problematic, justifying mass, unscrutinized mail-in balloting for an open period of a month, allowing Democrats a window of opportunity during which to steal the election.

Four years after the 2020 election, it turns out the COVID vaccine wasn’t terribly effective in preventing the transmission of the virus, or even safe; the mask was useless; the virus had leaked from the Wuhan lab, and Hunter Biden’s laptop is real. What were then derided as conspiracy theories are now published, documented facts and sworn official testimonies.

What hasn’t been publicized is the number of casualties of the lockdown itself, beyond the actual deaths from COVID-19. Deaths from suicide and untreated maladies, marriages and relationships severed, learning deficits in schoolchildren, business failures, trillions of dollars wasted, and (last but not least) election integrity.

There are enough of us sufficiently sane to recognize the truth. In order to end these dark days, we will vote, if allowed, for the outlaw candidate. The inmates now run the asylum — fascists and sycophants control the government: the convicted felon, standing apparently alone, is in reality buoyed by an ocean of supporters.

Patricia Gbur

Wood Dale

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