
Improving tree canopy a critical goal

Your editorial "Valuing the suburban forest" (June 18) and ongoing reporting about the work being done to provide equitable tree canopy and climate resiliency for communities is timely and important for our region. Now in its 10 th year,

The Morton Arboretum's Chicago Region Trees Initiative has partnered with more than 500 organizations and municipalities to identify priority areas in need of trees, plant thousands of trees and provide technical support for community maintenance of those trees for the benefits they will provide for generations to come.

These efforts are critical to improving the health, diversity and equitable distribution of trees in urban communities. You are helping to raise awareness of not only the ways that trees improve lives but also the need for residents to advocate for trees in their neighborhoods to ensure that everyone, no matter where they live, has access to the cleaner air, cooler streets and homes, stormwater management and other life improvements that green infrastructure provides.

Additional grant opportunities are available to disadvantaged communities through The Morton Arboretum, funded by the US Forest Service, to provide assistance to nonprofits, government entities and other eligible groups. Thank you for providing this important information to your readers.

Jill Koski, President & CEO

The Morton Arboretum

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