
Project 2025 is threat to Americans

The four pillars of Project 2025 are a comprehensive blueprint to “overhaul” the entire U.S. government. This includes reproductive rights, voting rights, business oversight and environmental protection — just to name a few.

The first pillar of four of the nearly 1,000-page “handbook” professes the idea of having a new civic infrastructure in place immediately after the election (assuming Trump wins). This will reshape the day-to-day operation of our government, in part, by firing as many as 50,000 federal workers.

As I understand this one aspect of Project 2025, non-partisan civil servants with training, experience and institutional knowledge would be replaced with those who support the far-right agenda. In some cases, this means replacing scientists with MAGA loyalists. This would be accomplished by reinstating what’s called Schedule F — a Trump-era executive order that would reclassify tens of thousands of the two million federal employees as essentially at-will workers who could more easily be fired.

The Project 2025 document claims to support equality, while advocating for dismantling the government agencies that enforce laws ensuring equality, such as Title VII of The Civil Rights Act which protects employees and job applicants from employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin and Title IX which prohibits discrimination based on sex from educational programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance.

While claiming to support the working class, the document calls for additional tax cuts for the rich, elimination of labor protections, deregulation of big business and the oil industry and giving the president unchecked power and immunity from prosecution.

Project 2025 seeks to place the entire Executive Branch of the federal government under direct presidential control by eliminating the independence of the DOJ, the Federal Communications Commission, the Federal Trade Commission and other agencies.

These details represented only a fraction of the overall document.

Mershon Niesner


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