
Solar farm will have damaging effect

We have been Lake County residents for over 40 years. On May 23, we received a letter informing us that a solar farm will be constructed directly across from our residential neighborhood, a forest preserve and the federally protected Bluff. This is all part of Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s $8.5 million in funding DCEO and the Community Solar Energy Sovereignty Grant Program to support “community-based organizations and technological service in low-impact and historically disadvantaged communities.”

When we reached out to our local representatives and congressmen, they knew nothing about this project, even the local mayor had no information and refuses to get involved. We reached out to Pritzker’s office and received a letter back saying “this issue is outside of the jurisdiction of the Office of the Governor.”

There are many reasons we do not want this solar farm in our residential community. These are all $500,000 to $1 million-plus valued homes. It will most certainly decrease our home values. More important is the environmental effects to this recreational community. The panels are made with dangerous carcinogens, such as lead, cadmium and silica, which could possibly leech into our wells and federally protected lakes.

What happens to solar panels over time? They degrade and one hail storm can cause an environmental disaster (research current solar farm disasters in Texas). The compacting of the site will lead to flooding in an area that’s already prone to flood.

The real question, who is benefiting from Pritzker’s project? Certainly not the residents and how truly “green” is this project when you look at the big picture?

Please consider helping us. We have a petition signed by all of the residents who this project will affect who have unanimously said no to a solar farm in our residential community.

Tom and Mary Gibadlo


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