
Uncomfortable with both candidates

Biden and the progressive Democrats claim we should vote for them or our democracy is at risk. I suggest it is they who are putting it at risk. Under their leadership we are losing our freedom of speech and our freedom of choice.

The concept of a limited federal government as advanced by the Founding Fathers is being eroded as they try to control every aspect of our personal lives and our businesses. They want to stack the Supreme Court and rewrite the Constitution. They use the DOJ, the IRS and both the executive branch and the legislative branch to attack their opposition and spread their ideology into our schools, our libraries and our local government in most large cities. There is no room for discussion or moderation. Laws do not apply as they only enforce what they want in their sanctuary cities.

Add to this an appeasement policy on foreign affairs making the world unsafe and imposing tariffs and other forms of isolationism. Most staggering is a proposed $7 trillion budget to put their policies in place and fund wars and their climate change policies. How do they intend to raise these funds? They say by taxing the evil corporations and wealthy but as always it will trickle down to the middle class.

While I am not a fan of Trump and the far right, I think both parties have the intentions of drastically changing our democracy and not for the better.

Biden and Trump represent the two worst examples of presidential material in my 74-year life span. To vote I will need to close my eyes, hold my nose, and cover my ears and then pick the one that is best for my pocketbook and personal freedom. It is likely neither of them or maybe myself as I could not be worse.

Ken Maltas

Prospect Heights

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