
A painful performance to watch

That was really a painful performance Thursday night. Here is President Biden responding to former President Trump on the question of abortion, an acknowledged hot button in this campaign:

“Look, there’s so many young women who have been — including a young woman who just was murdered and he — he went to the funeral. The idea that she was murdered by a — by — by an immigrant coming in, and they talk about that. But here’s the deal, there’s a lot of young women who are being raped by their — by their in-laws, by their — by their spouses, brothers and sisters, by — just — it’s just — it’s just ridiculous. And they can do nothing about it. And they tried to arrest them when they cross state lines.”

Is Biden’s response that of a person who is cognitively capable of fulfilling and executing the office of arguably the most powerful political office on the face of the earth? Interestingly, the AP report on the debate chose to ignore Biden on abortion. I wonder why.

Joe H. Heater


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