
Heartbreaking exchange falsely billed as ‘debate’

What CNN showed us Thursday night was a heartbreaking schoolboy playground exchange between a reeking con man and a pathetically floundering old man who couldn't remember lines that he spent the last week repeating and repeating at Camp David.

It's appalling that this was billed as a “debate” between two men supposedly qualified to be the next president of the United States of America. In its recap of the night, CNN commentators reported on panic within the hierarchy of the Democratic Party because of Joe Biden's utter failure during the “debate.” There should be similar panic in the Republic Party over the man at the head of the party (constant obvious lies and failure to answer key questions).

If only there were a way for each party to declare “Checks!” and go back to their respective drawing boards for a reality check. If only there were a way for each party to be serious about putting up the best man or woman for the job.

As it stands, within the next four years, there will either be a President Kamala Harris or an office in the White House for Putin.

Jim Osebold

Arlington Heights

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