
Reality of climate change is everywhere

You recently published a letter from someone who inexplicably stated that civilizations flourish when temperatures rise.

Let's be realistic, that only works when comparing the Ice Age to every age of man that has followed. It couldn't be any further from the truth if one were to compare today's climate with anything as recent as a decade ago.

Global warming (whether the writer wants to admit it or not) has caused the polar ice cap to melt at analarming rate. If things are to continue at the current rate, much of our East Coast will be under water.

What's more, the weather has become much more intense, causing massive storms, once in-a-lifetime flooding, catastrophic tornadoes, deadly hurricanes and devastating forest fires.

Even worse, experts now estimate that as many as one in three animal species are targeted for extinction in the next 50 years.

Taken as a whole, I think most intelligent readers of your Opinion page will agree that civilizations are not likely to flourish with so many obstacles standing in the way.

Bob Ory


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