
Set age caps and term limits for all

I am truly embarrassed for our country after watching the debate that quickly degraded into the gutter by both individuals. There were no very specific plans/programs brought forth which will help struggling Americans with inflation, which I believe is the No. 1 issue, followed closely by the ongoing border debacle.

The blame game was in full overdrive. The topper was the golf handicap argument. I am sure the two lower financial classes of the country really enjoyed that while they were trying to figure out how to buy their kids food and clothes.

I have a solution to end ever seeing something like this again.

We need to set an age cap of 70 years and term limits of 8 years for all politicians at all levels, national, state or local.

This way, we can avoid career politicians, some of whom never had a job in the real world and therefore cannot relate to struggling to exist. The irony is the very people that would have to legislate and vote this idea in are the career politicians.

The chance that pigs will fly has a better chance than that legislation getting passed.

Maybe then it’s time to form a national taxpayers union for all citizens, so we can negotiate with our politicians to get them to do what we voted them into office for in the first place. Maybe a national withholding of our taxes into the treasury might get their attention and get them to stop making decisions based on ideology and not using good ol' common sense.

Don’t worry about going to prison (they want to let all the inmates out anyway) if you withhold as the SAFE-T Act will let you out with no bail and a notice to appear in five years.

John Briar


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