
Elmhurst teen pleads guilty to hate crime over swastikas found on school playground

An Elmhurst teen pleaded guilty Tuesday to a hate crime charge alleging he carved swastikas into playground equipment at an elementary school.

Christopher Jackson, 18, of the 200 block of South Boyd Avenue, was sentenced to 30 months of probation and 80 days in jail. He was eligible for day-for-day credit for the 40 days he has been in custody awaiting trial, and was released from jail Tuesday morning.

Jackson also was ordered to participate in an educational program that discourages hate crimes, perform 120 hours of community service, complete 10 days in the Sheriff’s Work Alternative Program, and pay $4,471 to Elmhurst Unit School District 205.

According to prosecutors, two Jewish students at Edison Elementary School found Nazi phrases and swastikas carved into plastic playground equipment early in the afternoon of May 20.

Jackson later went to police to report he was worried about his friend, a 17-year-old co-defendant, because the boy said he wanted to kill his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend, authorities said.

The juvenile remains in custody while his case is pending. He is scheduled to appear in juvenile court Wednesday.

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