
Schaumburg approves three-year police command contract with 3.5% annual raises

After an initial 3% raise, the Schaumburg Police Department’s 22 sergeants and lieutenants will receive 3.5% salary increases in each of the next three years.

The contract approved last week is retroactive to May 1, and its increases have an estimated cost of $545,715 over its duration.

The initial 3% raises are considered a one-time market adjustment to reduce wage compression with patrol officers and keep the village’s pay comparable to similar communities, according to Joe Carey, Schaumburg’s director of human resources

Assistant Village Manager Paula Hewson said the initial increase is an indication of how market conditions have changed since the last negotiations.

“We wanted to make it separate to call it out,” Hewson said. “It’s challenging to reassess, and you don’t reassess until you’ve finished the contract.”

Additionally, non-patrol sergeants will receive a $2,000 stipend each year and non-patrol lieutenants an annual $2,500 stipend. For sergeants, this is a $250 increase from the last contract.

Beginning in 2026, mandated medical screenings will begin for sergeants and lieutenants, including annual vision, hearing, blood, urine and stress tests. An echocardiogram will be required for those over the age of 40.

Reflecting current state law, the sick leave policy has been updated to clarify that up to half one’s annual accrual can be used to attend to the illness or injury of an eligible family member. The contract also clarifies family and bereavement leave eligibility, officials said.

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