
Community Baptist Church celebrates 190 years of faith and service in Warrenville

A cornerstone of the community for nearly two centuries, Community Baptist Church is celebrating a momentous occasion — its 190th anniversary.

Founded in 1834, the church boasts a rich history deeply intertwined with Warrenville’s growth and a unwavering commitment to social justice.

From its humble beginnings with a gathering of 16 residents, Community Baptist Church has consistently championed social progress. Notably, an early pastor took a strong stance against slavery, reflecting a moral compass that continues to guide the congregation today. This dedication to equality is further evidenced by their selection of one of DuPage County’s first female pastors, solidifying their commitment to opportunity for all.

Like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., another prominent figure in the American Baptist denomination, Community Baptist Church fosters a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere. This dedication extends back to 1845 when the American Baptists boldly separated from Southern Baptists over the issue of slavery.

Looking toward the future, Community Baptist Church remains committed to serving the community.

The Agapè Children’s Center Preschool, housed within the church’s Education Building, exemplifies this dedication. Providing a nurturing environment for children, ages 3-4, for over 47 years, the program boasts a curriculum that blends academic preparation with fostering a love of learning.

Community Baptist Church is proud of its 190-year legacy and looks forward to continuing to serve the community and championing inclusivity for generations to come.

Come visit and explore the church grounds at 28W444 Main St. to view the historical markers with QR codes accessible through smartphones to learn more about the church and community of Warrenville.

Visit the Community Baptist Church website at Learn more about the Agapè Children’s Center Preschool by calling (630) 393-4205.

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