
The environment is worth more than 100 Grand

If you’re like me, you love to reward yourself with a sweet treat after a hard day’s work; my guilty pleasure is the chocolatey goodness of a 100 Grand candy bar. But what happens to that 100 Grand wrapper when I put it in the garbage? Maybe it finds its way to a landfill, or it might wind up in Lake Michigan with the other 11 million pounds of plastic that are estimated to pollute the water every year.

Environment Illinois is celebrating Plastic Free July to enjoy the sweetness of the environment around us and reduce the harm from single-use plastics. Plastic pollutants diminish the beauty of our surroundings by harming native ecosystems and wildlife that may mistake your take-out containers for food or a sweet treat.

In natural environments, plastic doesn’t fully go away; it breaks down into microplastics that contaminate our waterways. Our wildlife including turtles, fish, and birds mistake these bits of plastic for food which when ingested can cause them to feel full and starve or lead to other problems. With plastic waste persisting in our environment for hundreds of years, a plastic water bottle floating on the Chicago River will likely be here longer than you, your grandchildren, and even your great-great-great grandchildren. Each step we take to minimize our plastic waste reduces the litter around us and keeps the outdoors clean and enjoyable for the community.

Every action counts, so pack your lunch in a reusable container and bring a tote bag to carry your groceries instead of using the plastic bags stores give out like candy. Commit to improving the cleanliness of our land and waters by participating in Plastic Free July this month, and treat yourself to the beauty of the outdoors because our environment is worth more than 100 grand.

Emmitt Thulin

Downers Grove

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