
Kirk has been Bush's enforcer

As we move toward the fall election, it is truly fascinating to watch Mark Kirk and his supporters reinvent him as a moderate independent. His radio and TV ads as well as letters from his supporters emphasize the few times he has actually disregarded George Bush's policies. Apparently he isn't very proud of the 90 percent of the time he voted with the President. The facts show he has supported the failed policies that have gotten us in to the economic mess America is in and he should be held accountable. There are three things you need to know about Mark Kirk. First, he served as the Republican House Majority whip until 2006. This means that it was his job not only to vote with Bush but to make his Republican colleagues do so. If Bush was the 'Decider,' Kirk was the 'Enforcer.'

Second, Kirk has misrepresented his votes in Congress. One ad touts his desire to help everyone have quality health care, yet he voted against health insurance for children and any bill that would have helped the 45 million Americans without it. Like all conservatives, he believes government has no duty to help those who need health care, food or shelter. In another, he takes credit for saving our local VA hospital but doesn't mention his multiple votes to cut the VA budget, his opposition to job training and health benefits for returning troops, and to increasing pay and benefits for the families of serving soldiers.

Third, and most curiously, everything Kirk seems to be proud of are actually Democratic proposals. His 'new' Apollo Energy Independence Act is nothing more than a 2007 Democratic bill that Kirk actually opposed. If it is Democratic proposals on health care, renewable energy and veterans' benefits that the 10th District wants, then why not vote for the Democrat, Dan Seals, who actually consistently supports these ideas? Kirk, like McCain, represents more of the same failures. Haven't we had enough? It is time to move forward with Dan Seals.

Laurence Schiller


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