
Kirk still the best for 10th District

I have been a resident of Deerfield for almost 45 years. I raised and educated a family in its wonderful schools. It is a diverse community with an excellent village government and a great park system! Our community has been enriched by a long history of reliable and responsible legislative representation in Washington, D.C.

Congressman Mark Kirk has represented our district with great distinction; continuing a pattern established by John Porter over many years. Kirk's understanding of the needs of our district and his responsiveness have contributed greatly to his success as our elected contact with our national government in Washington. He is a leader, a fighter and sensitive human being that gets things done for the benefit of his constituents. That's why we need to continue Kirk's leadership in Congress.

Most recently I've had the opportunity to hear Dan Seals address our senior group in Deerfield and I'm appalled that he thinks he can represent us in Washington when he won't even move into our district.

Congressman Mark Kirk has been the right answer for the 10th District since he was elected in 2000, and he will continue to be the correct answer in 2009!

Louis V Stadler


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