
Kirk doesn't just talk about change

Dan Seals has moved aggressively to appropriate the mantle of "change" for himself. But what has he ever done to effect change?

Dan Seals has never held public office. According to his campaign biography, he does not have any significant community involvement. And his previous job before running for Congress was as a mid-level manager at GE Finance, not exactly a position where you can be an agent of change. The only change Dan Seals can possibly talk about is what he claims he will do if he is elected. It's nothing but talk. And talk is cheap.

If you're looking for a change candidate, look at Congressman Mark Kirk. Ever since he was elected in 2000, Kirk has fought against politics as usual in Washington. He voted for the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Act. He led the charge to strip government pensions from Congressmen convicted of crimes. And he's waged a constant battle against pork; he killed the infamous Bridge to Nowhere and completely swore off earmarks. Kirk doesn't just talk about change; he makes change happen.

As Sarah Palin said in her recent speech: In politics, there are some candidates who use change to promote their careers, and there are those who use their careers to promote change. Kirk is one of the latter, and that is why I support him.

Samuel Bullard


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