
Kirk would never abandon veterans

Mark Kirk is an 18-year Naval Reservist. He served in Kosovo and was in the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001. He's always looked out for veterans' interests during his seven years in Congress and has been endorsed by the VFW every time he's stood for election.

Yet, incredibly, he is being attacked by his opponent for somehow being bad for veterans. I want to set the record straight.

Kirk consistently votes to increase spending for veterans programs. I don't want to bore anyone with a long list of programs Kirk voted for, but one in particular is worth mentioning. One of the specific charges that Dan Seals, Kirk's opponent, made, is that over 20 percent of Illinois' homeless are veterans. Sadly this is probably true. And that is why Kirk voted to spend over $120 million on programs to help homeless veterans get off the streets and back on their feet. That is just one of the many worthy programs for veterans that Kirk has either voted for or created.

Closer to home, Kirk saved the North Chicago VA Hospital. It was threatened with closure, potentially leaving thousands of veterans, many elderly or disabled, no convenient VA facility to go to. Kirk kept the hospital open and even managed to secure an extra $100 million to expand and modernize it.

I am a veteran myself. I know from having met Kirk, and by researching his accomplishments, that he would never abandon us the way that Seals is saying he has. Kirk is one of our strongest advocates in Congress. And I intend to help keep him in Congress for many years to come.

Walter Rutkowski

Mount Prospect

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