
No excuse for Seals living outside 10th

Why should we elect Dan Seals to help lead our country when he can't even read a map? This is year three, rapidly approaching year four, of his quest to become Congressman and he still has not deigned to live among the people he would represent.

Seals' reasons for his continued carpetbagger status have been as shifting as his policy positions. In 2006 he tried to brush it off, saying it was no big deal. The citizens of the 10th District thought differently, and handed him a 6 point defeat in the worst year for Republicans since Nixon.

Now it's 2008 and Seals is trying a new excuse. In a joint interview with his primary opponent, Seals said he hasn't moved into the district because "I am not a millionaire." Leaving aside the fact that not everyone in the 10th District is a millionaire, Dan Seals will never become a millionaire on a Congressman's salary - a U.S. Congressman is paid $169,000 a year. So does that mean Seals never intends to move into the district, even if he wins?

Seals cannot escape from the simple fact that he has had more than three years to move into this district. The fact that he has failed to do so shows the either he doesn't know what his potential constituents want, or he doesn't respect us enough to bother. Neither makes me want to vote for him.

Eron McCormick


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