
Kirk's support of energy bill foolish

Republican Mark Kirk voted "yes" recently to the largest tax bill to be forced on American citizens in its history.

This bill is erroneously labeled the Waxman/Markey Energy Bill. Waxman admits he has not even read the entire bill, nor have most members of the House or Senate.

This bill, it is estimated, will increase the average household to over $3,000 in energy costs and gasoline.

This is not really a bill about the global warming consensus, it is clearly the great American Capitalist Equalizer bill. We will now be forced to reduce our way of life to foster the hope that by the year 2100 there will be a .001 reduction of one degree in our global temperature. That is if we are, in fact, warming and not cooling as is recently predicted.

More American businesses will be forced to move to China and India where it is more economical to produce goods. These pollution giants refuse to cave to this CO2. So as America's latest Obama "tax the haves to give to the have not's" tax bill, taxes farmers for their cow flatulence (yes, folks, that is in the bill). President Obama forges ahead to produce "Change we can believe in."

I have a feeling Mark Kirk will be seeing change in the next election cycle from the Republican voters.

Kathy Garrett

St. Charles

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