
Comparing calories in piecrusts

Q. Are graham cracker piecrusts lower in fat than those made with traditional dough?

A. Both graham cracker and traditional piecrusts vary tremendously in the amount of fat used in making them. Some of the pre-made frozen crusts are relatively low in fat because fat use is minimized in production and they are rolled extremely thin. But, as the pie dough is made richer with more fat or the crust gets thicker, fat and calories increase markedly.

A traditional recipe may have from 120 to 200 calories and 8 to 12 grams of fat per slice of pie in the crust alone. Although graham or wafer cookie crumb crusts can be made with a healthier soft margarine (instead of the solid shortening used in most traditional doughs), the fat content will vary depending on how much is used.

In addition, calorie content may be slightly higher than dough crusts because of the use of sweet crumbs.

Whether you choose a pre-made crust or make your own, better-for-you versions using at least part whole wheat and healthier fats are available and worth looking for.

Q. When duck meat is served pink, is it safe to eat?

A. As with other meat and poultry, the safety depends on whether it has reached a high enough temperature during cooking. Color is not an indicator of "doneness" in duck or in other poultry or meat.

When chicken is cooked, for example, it is possible for the pink color to disappear before the safe temperature has been reached. Duckling, however, has darker meat and is usually still slightly pink in the center when properly cooked to an internal temperature of 165 degrees.

• Karen Collins, registered dietitian, writes this column for the American Institute for Cancer Research. Send questions to Ask the Nutritionist, c/o the Daily Herald, 1759 R St., N. W., Washington, D.C. 20009.

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