
Herwig is best for North Aurora

North Aurora voters have the luxury of choosing among four candidates vying to be their village president. Trustees Max Herwig, Linda Mitchell and Dale Berman and newcomer Mark Vogt all ask for your vote April 7. It's a tough choice when four of your neighbors seek your support, especially when most have experience and knowledge of the issues. All clearly love this community facing increasing pressures to define itself, spur economic development and its own downtown.

Longtime resident Mitchell is a former plan commissioner and village clerk, vowing to take the village into the future with better communications and cooperation.

Berman, also a longtime resident, previously served as village president and trustee and promises to apply his business experience and leadership to the village.

Vogt is new to the political arena and says he's poised to help his town.

Herwig, a 14-year trustee and lifelong resident, vows to improve communications and commercial development.

They differ on the how, but the three experienced candidates are all good choices to take North Aurora through the difficult economic days ahead. But Herwig offers the strongest combination of leadership, knowledge, personality and determination to blend the many differing needs of this community.

Herwig is endorsed.

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