
Kirk helps protect precious resource

Lake Michigan is the single largest supply of freshwater in the world. It provides drinking water to most of the Chicago area and is a beautiful, integral part of our community and economy. That is why I am delighted that Congressman Kirk has made protecting Lake Michigan a priority in Congress.

When it was found that British Petroleum would be releasing large amounts of ammonia and other toxic waste into Lake Michigan I was horrified. But I need not have been. Congressman Kirk moved quickly to halt BP's plans and kept our lake free of the toxic chemicals.

Years ago the Outboard Marine Corp. polluted Waukegan Harbor with large amounts of toxic chemicals. Those chemicals contaminate the harbor even today, significantly stunting Waukegan's economic potential and posing a serious health risk to residents. Mark Kirk has made cleaning up Waukegan Harbor an 8-year crusade. While it is a big project, Kirk's support for the project is unwavering and progress is steady.

Finally, invasive species like the Asian carp threaten to decimate Lake Michigan's $4.5 billion fisheries and the jobs that go along with them. Mark Kirk helped author the Asian Carp Barrier Act which would direct the Army Corps of Engineers to construct an electronic barrier to keep the Asian Carp out of Lake Michigan.

People everywhere have a responsibility to be good environmental stewards. But since we live along one of the most beautiful and important bodies of freshwater in the world we have a special responsibility here in the 10th District. We take protecting Lake Michigan very seriously and I am grateful that our Congressman does as well.

Lila Hamann

Lake Forest

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