
Getz not the answer for ECC board

As former chairman of the board of Elgin Community College, I find it imperative that you are aware of information that may help you make an informed decision regarding a current trustee running for re-election.

I do find it uncomfortable writing such a letter, but I believe you need to know. Having firsthand knowledge of this individual compels me to inform voters. While this trustee is not a bad or evil person, his conduct woefully lacks in how you expect a board member to act.

Reasons to not re-elect Bob Getz as trustee of ECC:

Refused to stand and recite the "Affirmation of Service" that all of the other trustees recite together annually. He sat while all of the other trustees recited this together. This pledge affirms that we will act with ethically, have conduct above reproach, and serve the interests of our community.

Tried to make a motion that all student scholarships be eliminated at the Dec. 12, 2006, board meeting. This motion died due to lack of a second.

Had to be warned twice by the president of ECC to stop going directly to staff employees directing them to create reports for him.

Rarely attended key meetings such as developing the ECC master plan. Many hours were dedicated by staff, the community and trustees to create this 25-year plan.

Solicited the city of Elgin to not support ECC's efforts to gain access to Randall Road after the board voted yes.

Solicited the city of Elgin for land contiguous to the college for his "Wounded Warrior" campaign platform after the board said no.

Mr. Getz does not deserve re-election as trustee of our wonderful community college. I know. I was there.

Richard Nay Sr.

West Dundee

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