
Anima chorus opens minds of young singers

Parents looking for opportunities for their children to sing may find Anima and wonder about the upstart youth chorus.

But though the name Anima has been around a bit more than a year, the chorus itself boasts a 45-year pedigree begun under the title of Glen Ellyn Children's Chorus.

In its history, the chorus - now known officially as Anima-Young Singers of Greater Chicago to better reflect the geographic and age ranges of its members - has earned accolades and awards, toured internationally and performed with renowned conductors and august orchestras.

For children who like to sing, organizers say, it's an experience not to be missed - one that opens young singers' minds to the world around them and one that shouldn't depend solely on their families' financial resources. The chorus works hard to fund scholarships to cover tuition for children of families that need help. An annual golf social is the primary scholarship fundraiser.

Anima Executive Director Priscilla Smith discusses the chorus' drive for excellence.

Q. What is your mission?

A. To provide experiences of excellence through choral singing that enliven and shape young lives

Q. How do you work toward accomplishing that goal?

A. From singing beautiful, complicated repertoire with the world's most famous conductors in amazing venues, to singing with a local group for a small church in a poor neighborhood, our choristers learn to strive for excellence in everything they do.

They learn music from many different cultures and the stories behind them, and regularly travel to other countries where they share their music and expand their horizons. These young people share their love of music and their open hearts with everyone they touch, from every walk of life and leave with a new respect for the world and its people.

Q. When and why did the chorus start? How has it grown?

A. Anima was founded in 1964 and grew to international prominence as the Glen Ellyn Children's Chorus.

In 2008 the chorus changed its name to Anima-Young Singers of Greater Chicago to more accurately reflect the geographic area and age (kindergarten through high school) of the choristers. Anima is acknowledged as a pioneer in its field, creating innovative concerts, commissioning new repertoire from major composers and demonstrating that young people are capable of extraordinary accomplishments when given exceptional leadership and vision.

Q. What kind of success have you had?

A. Anima has been recognized as a leader in its field for decades. The chorus has performed with acclaimed conductors and the renowned Chicago Symphony Orchestra almost since its inception. It has participated in four Grammy Award-winning recordings with the CSO.

Anima has toured throughout the U.S., Canada, Europe, Scandinavia, Australia/New Zealand, Brazil, China and South Africa, and is known for showcasing a broad spectrum of fine music by major composers as well as commissioning new works, many of which are now part of the standard repertoire for young choirs.

In 2009 Anima won the Dale Warland Commission Award and in 2008 the Margaret Hillis Award for Choral Excellence. In 2001, Anima was awarded Chorus America's prestigious ASCAP award for adventurous programming of contemporary repertoire.

The chorus received the United States Library of Congress' Local Legacies Award in 2000 honoring the nation's most exemplary cultural programs. Anima was the first children's chorus to be funded by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Illinois Arts Council. It is the only such organization to be supported by the NEA and IAC for more than 20 years.

Q. What challenges does Anima face?

A. The chorus is dependent in large part on donations from individuals, corporations and foundations. The current economic climate has seriously impacted the organization and threatens our ability to continue to provide services to all children regardless of their economic situation.

Q. What is the chorus best known for in the community? How does Anima contribute to the community?

A. Artistic excellence, innovative programming, world-class performance opportunities, professional caliber concerts - these are things for which Anima is known. But it is about more than just music. Anima is dedicated to providing experiences of excellence to young people, recognizing this will transfer to other areas of their lives. Choristers learn discipline, teamwork and tolerance, increase their self-esteem and confidence, and learn to embrace other cultures. Anima is proud to play a role in building character among our youth, creating the leaders of tomorrow and serving the larger community through song.

Q. What do you wish the community at large knew about the chorus?

A. Anima - a world class organization - is in your backyard! Most people do not recognize the extraordinary caliber of musical education and performance opportunity the organization provides. As is often the case, the people closest to you are the ones who do not recognize what they have right in their own area.

Q. Who are your members? What qualities do you look for in new members?

A. Anima welcomes all children who like to sing, kindergarten through 12th grade, without regard to previous experience or to their socioeconomic situation. We look for young people who like to sing and are committed to attending regular rehearsals, recognizing the resultant rewards.

The chorus consists of performing ensembles and numerous outreach programs. Each season the performing ensembles, composed of approximately 200 young people, present 30 to 50 concerts locally and on tour. Children come from the greater Chicago area, and scholarships enable the chorus to accomplish one of its key commitments: that finances not preclude any interested child from participating.

Anima outreach programs are designed to provide exceptional opportunities to hundreds of additional children who would not otherwise have such experiences. Honors Chorus SingFest offers young singers and their teachers a day of invigorating challenge and musical growth through high-caliber choral activities led by prominent guest clinicians and the Anima artistic director. Between 200 and 300 children and 30 to 40 music teachers take part in this one-of-a-kind choral experience. The Boys Only! Workshop, School Exchanges, Summer Camp and Exodus - a program for immigrant children - are additional outreach programs.

Q. What do you expect of your students?

A. Choristers are expected to attend twice weekly rehearsals, participate in both contracted and self-produced concerts and enjoy a weekend fall retreat. They also may participate in remarkable touring opportunities either nationally or internationally.

Q. How can readers get involved?

A. By enrolling their children in these exceptional programs or referring friends to the chorus; attending a concert; hiring the chorus for an upcoming event; ordering a CD (see the Web site at; volunteering at a concert or in the office to help curb expenses; attending the golf social on Aug. 29 or the annual benefit in February; or making a tax-deductible donation to support this community treasure.

Anima Young Singers of Greater Chicago


Time: Program and rehearsal times vary by ensemble; routinely in the afternoon and evenings after school

Day: Monday/Thursday or Tuesday/Thursday depending on ensemble

Place: Most rehearsals are at the Glen Ellyn Park District

Visitors welcome? Yes, the chorus encourages visitors to our regular rehearsals.

Fee? $105 to $145 monthly for performance ensembles; tuition covers about 30 percent of the total expenses for each child. Need-based financial aid is available, and fundraising opportunities help choristers fund tuition, tours, concert dress, etc.

Annual budget: $525,000

Funding: Tuition, concert tickets, CD sales, benefits and events, corporate sponsorships, private foundations, individual donations, state and federal grants, and contracted performances

Donated to other organizations: Frequently sing for nonprofit community organizations for free, provide school exchanges for local schools for free, donate services/CDs to fundraising efforts, provide free services to immigrant children through the Lincoln School program, and have raised money for schools and community organizations while on international tours

Members: 200 to 250 each year; Anima serves more than 1,000 additional young people each year through community outreach

Info: (630) 858-2471, or

Anima Young Singers of Greater Chicago at Millennium Park. Courtesy of Anima Young Singers of Greater Chicago
The name may not be familiar, but the Anima Young Singers of Greater Chicago has a 45-year pedigree begun under the title of Glen Ellyn Children's Chorus. Courtesy of Anima Young Singers of Greater Chicago

<p class="factboxheadblack">If you go</p> <p class="News"><b>What:</b> Anima Golf Social and Croquet Tournament</p> <p class="News"><b>Why:</b> To benefit the Anima Young Singers Scholarship Fund, which provides assistance so that no young person who wants to sing is limited by financial need </p> <p class="News"><b>When:</b> 3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 29</p> <p class="News"><b>Where:</b> River Bend Golf Club, 5900 S. Route 53, Lisle</p> <p class="News"><b>Cost: </b>$75 for golf and dinner; $55 for croquet, margarita bar and dinner; $100 for hole sponsorship; $250 for event sponsorship</p> <p class="News"><b>Info:</b> <a href="" target="new"></a> or (630) 858-2471</p>

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