
Seals shows more support for Israel

While Mark Kirk has been supportive of Israel, the 10th District could do better. The pro-Israel stance Kirk advocates in the North Shore has been neglected while in Washington. In 2006, Kirk even supported the losing bid of Rep. Darell Issa for Republican Policy Committee Chairman, who once accused Israel of apartheid and asked the United Nations to redraw Israel's borders.

One need only read Seals' words on Israel in the issues section of his campaign Web site to realize that Seals' commitment to the maintained security and vibrancy of the state is genuine.

Furthermore, Seals' potential to stand up for other issues of interest to myself and the rest of the Jewish community outweighs Kirk's spotty record on such social issues.

Tenth District citizens persuaded by Kirk's "moderate" self-label may be shocked to learn that Kirk voted in favor of the federal government acquiring a 29-foot tall cross on Mt. Soledad near San Diego. Kirk even voted for a resolution that purports that America is a Christian nation. Maintaining the strict separation of church and state is fundamental, and actions such as Kirk's are by no means "moderate."

Ultimately, I implore my fellow citizens of the 10th District to do their best and vote for the best, Dan Seals for Congress.

Gail Schnitzer

Highland Park

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