
Kirk not posturing, just doing job

The Daily Herald published a letter by Dan Weber on July 21st claiming that Mark Kirk is playing political games by supporting legislation that helps the environment in the summer before an election.

Are Congressmen supposed to stop working six months before an election? If Seals is elected, should the Democrats tell him to stop sponsoring legislation by Jan. 1, 2010, so he does not look like he is trying to garner more votes at the last minute? I encourage Mr. Weber to examine Congressman Kirk's environmental initiatives, like: the Great Lakes Water Protection Act, Mercury Pollution Reduction Act, Great Lakes Restoration act, Open Space and Farmland Preservation Act and the Save Our Waters from Sewage Act. Kirk has a long and impressive record of environmental stewardship that he has built on every year, not just election years. He has been more consistent than Mr. Weber and other Seals supporters claim.

Being a Congressman is a two-year responsibility, regardless of what Seals supporters may tell you. That Seals would attack Kirk for sponsoring what they admit is good legislation simply because of an election coming up is the height of absurdity. Kirk takes his obligation to us seriously. He works for us all the time, not just on the schedule that Seals would have him follow.

Mike Educate

Lake Forest

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